Our Vision: "To be a place where the love for people has no boundaries."
Our Mission: "To minister to the lost, blind, and outcast in the bonds of Love and Light in Christ, and to teach the truth of the gospel, namely that you are worthy, valuable, and empowered."
Agape Fellowship Center opened its doors for the first time on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 8944 St. Charles Rock Rd in the St. John Municipal Center, 3rd floor.
Our late founding Pastor Larry Davis, led us faithfully, alongside his Co-Pastor, Jimmie White, until the Lord called him home on April 6, 2018. He was truly the Moses of Agape, as he taught and stressed the importance of moral principles, such as integrity, good character and moral responsibilities.
Pastor White took the mantle, and had faithfully led us forward accompanied by Pastor Jason Pye, until his untimely death on August 25, 2020 from a brain tumor. Pastor White was the Joshua of Agape, as God had given him a grand vision of greatness and prosperity with the resources to help nations flourish.
Senior Pastor Jason Pye has continued to lead the flock with passion, commitment and fervor. His fiery sermons call us to walk in newness of life, enduring hardship like a good soldier in Christ.
Donna Davis, spiritual teacher and founder of Hidden Treasures Ministries, Inc. our outreach and teaching ministry, accepted the call to co-pastor the flock January 11, 2020. She currently serves under the leadership of Senior Pastor Jason Pye.
In the forming stages of AFC's ministry, we began in 2009 as an outreach ministry before AFC was birthed in 2011.
We are Non-Denominational, believing in the completed and finished work of the Christ, whereby we walk in power, authority, and Light.
Our core values are based upon our WORSHIP.
Willing to embrace change and diversity of all people
Operate in excellence
Remain Relative, Real, Reliable, and Resourceful
Servant Minded
Honesty, Humbleness, and Integrity
Inspire all to live a life of obedience
Passionate about the work of the Lord
These core values are the basis of:
Who We Are
How We Act
How We Live
How We Operate Our Ministry
We look forward to seeing some of you for the first time. In keeping with the desire to be a multi-cultural place of worship, our music is both traditional and contemporary. Our promise to you is that you will feel God's presence in every service, and that no matter who you are, we will embrace you with Agape Love!